About Us

We are the first website to start with online education, as we started with Dr. Azza Abu Seif’s Abilities and Achievement Forum in 1429 AH, then we developed our efforts until we reached this site. The site offers private lessons and free lessons for curricula and university years in various disciplines.

Continuous Education Academy platform

• Dear visitor, may God bless you in your platform, the Academy of Continuous Education, under general supervision with Dr. Azza Abosaif, as it is no secret to anyone the importance of the Qiyas Center exams, as the test result is one of the criteria used in admission to university programs and selection for educational jobs. From this standpoint, Dr. Azza Abosaif refines the training programs that prepare the student to pass the capabilities tests easily, as I designed this site with the work team, in which everyone was keen on credibility, sincerity and interest in each trainee, and we sought to provide all the ideas and strategies that help the student in thinking and choosing his answer simply and thus obtaining, the command of God Almighty, the highest grades. We were keen to follow up the trainees until the test day and after the test and to provide useful advice to students during and after the exams and university admission and at any time. .. Therefore, we, praise be to God Almighty, launched our site, which started with Dr. Azza Abu Seif’s Forum for Abilities and Achievement in 2007, then it was developed to become Continuous Education Academy.

Next Courses Starting Dates

Next Courses Starting Dates

GAT Course: Starts on 25-01-2024